Easter can seem pretty chill. It isn’t

Daniel sam pete thiyagu
4 min readApr 4, 2021

Looking around, Easter can seem pretty chill.

It’s not.

Here it is in a nutshell.

Let’s get some basics out of the way.

A little background.

These are some interpretations but by all means study it and find out for yourself. Let’s get started.

Back in the beginning of time the Lord said a few words

and a big beautiful earth was created.

He saw what He had made and He was pleased.

God gives mankind the responsibility to rule over all other life He has made on the earth. In that sense, humans would stand as God’s image, God’s representatives, on earth as we rule over and manage all the rest of His creation.(Genesis 1:26).

Meanwhile, Satan is fretting that Adam and Eve are pure and godly

So he takes up residence in a snake

and tempts EVE and she gives in and eats the fruit.

God obviously gets angry and is hurt, that man has fallen.

He blows up Satan and says

you’re cursed Satan.

You will now crawl on your belly in the dust. (Genesis 3)

You may seem like you dominate…

but just wait…

You think you just ruined the human race by tempting a woman but turns out


(Genesis 3:15)

Gives me chills.

Flash forward.

God has always known that because of the little mishap in the Garden of Eden

That we are in desperate need of a Savior.

He picked a blessed virgin woman named Mary and with the help of the Spirit, she conceived

a little baby boy and they named him Jesus.

This little tiny baby was fully MAN and fully GOD.

God stayed sovereign yet ENTERED THIS REALM as flesh!!!

He grew up fully man. and fully God.

He got hungry (Mark 11:12)

He got sleepy (John 4:6)

He got tempted all the time (Matthew 4:1–11)



He was persecuted and judged and laughed at. Bullied if you will.

God himself in flesh was treated like dirt on our shoes.

Jesus was on earth for 33 years loving, healing, glorifying God in all he did.

The entire reason for Jesus being on earth was to be the human sacrifice for all our sins.

That is too often taken lightly.

It is nonchalantly mentioned in Sunday School and sort of hit on in the Church service.

Jesus took on all our sins.


Our? EVERYONE that has ever walked the planet or will ever walk the planet.

Imagine just the weight of one persons sin.

The suffocation of sexual sins.

The embarrassments of addiction.

The hurt of lying.

The shame in adultery.

The emptiness of pride.

The falsehood of stealing.

The obsession of hate.

The insecurities of gossip.






The list can go on and on.

Anything that is not of the Lord.


Not just one person’s sins.


He was beaten to a pulp.

Spit upon.

His side was stabbed with a sword.

His hands and feet were nailed to a splintery tree.

Thorns were smashed into his head.

It wasn’t a chill attractive dignified death.

He also had a crowd laughing, mocking and encouraging the soldiers.

It makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

He was a pure man who walked the earth and never sinned.

Not even once.

Yet He sacrificed his very being in order for us measly humans to be liberated from death’s chains.

The Lord cannot stand the presence of darkness and so He had to turn from Jesus on that cross.

Jesus cried out “My Father why have you left me!”

and he took his last breath.

Dead. Done.

Sad story, right?

The goods news is the grave couldn’t freaking hold Him!

The other good news is God is all about big endings.

Three days after they put his beat body in the tomb

He busted out of there like nothing had happened.


Death couldn’t conquer Him.

There’s even more brilliant news.

The Bible says that since our sick sinful bodies were buried with him in his death

we will certainly rise with him in his resurrection. (Romans 6:5)

Our flesh is dead.

We are redeemed!

We have risen with him…as soon as we surrender our lives we are NEW.

We sometimes don’t feel it because Satan tells us we are still the old us but


Sin can’t hold us down because

Jesus has already taken a large beating for our sin.

The Sacrifice has been paid.

There is nothing we have done or ever will do to earn this love and redemption.

We just have to believe and surrender our sick selves.

It’s hard to comprehend but that makes it even more brilliant and mysterious.

He is good.

and risen.

and loving.

and pursuing.

Because of this…

We get to spend forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever in His presence.

I can’t help but beam at the thought.

Embrace His love.

The above thoughts are taken from a blogpost that explains it well and i altered it a bit.

Hope u enjoyed getting to know the background behind Easter.

I also have a couple of my blog posts that describes why i chose to follow Jesus and hopefully you know how i was impacted by his love:



Src of above blog post: https://ruthwilson.theworldrace.org/post/fall-of-man

